
Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Alexander, a game programming student at Futuregames, specializing in gameplay and AI.

I've always had a strong passion for video games and logical problem-solving. This eventually led me to pursue a career as a game programmer, and I haven't looked back since.

With a strong foundation in C++, Unreal, & C#, Unity, I'm eager to keep expanding my knowledge and be a part of creating great games!








Gameplay & AI

GOAP - Goal Oriented Action Planning

Goal Oriented Action Planning (GOAP) a system for AI agents to determine it's actions by setting specific goals based on the current game environment. 

  • Two Months, 60 % part-time.
  • Unreal Engine 5.4.

AI Director

AI Director, a way to dynamically control the game’s pacing, enemy spawns, and environmental effects to create a unique experience for each playthrough.

  • Two Months, 20 % part-time.
  • Unreal Engine 5.4.

Game projects

GP4 Alien Appetite

Alien Appetite is a first-person shooter inspired by the games Helldivers 2 and Deep Rock Galactic. Fight off hordes of aliens, gather vital resources and find your way to the objective.

My contribution:

  • AI
  • Enemy System
  • Health System
  • Product Owner

GP3 The Neglect 

The Neglect is a first person psychological horror experience. You've just purchased an empty house, only to discover it's cursed shortly after moving in.

My contribution:

  • Interact System
  • Door System
  • Level Streaming

GP2 Iron League

Iron league, an android mobile co-op game based on the extreme sport extreme ironing, made in Unity. Play as either the Ironer or the Thrower and work together to get as many points as possible before the time run out.

My contribution:

  • Ironing sequence
  • Input manager

GP1 The Neighbourhood Accident

A 3D puzzle game made in Unity. Solve various puzzles to uncover the truth behind the house you are in.

My contribution:

  • Player controller
  • UI management
  • Game manager